
Each Lord’s Day we gather to worship and glorify the Living God. Worship begins at 1:45 at 251 Avenue U in Brooklyn (we meet at Covenant Ballet Academy).
For directions call 917-757-9297.

Join us via live stream on our Facebook page.

Lord’s Day Schedule

12:00PM – D-Class
1:00PM – Meet and Greet
1:30PM – Worship Service of the Living God

Fireworks Over NYC

The whole world is celebrating the news.  The Most Impressive New York International Super Study has begun, live from Brooklyn, the center of the world.

Our next study will be Tuesday, December 17 at 8:30PM Eastern US Time.

You may also attend via Zoom.  Link will be posted the day of the study.  For in person info email Consistory@Messiah.NYC.  Mention your church membership.   Doors open at 8:15pm EDT.  Trouble getting in?  Call 917-757-9297.


The study will be taught by Pastor Steve Schlissel of Messiah’s Congregation.  The Bible is Jewish, and fortunately, so is our instructor!

To view prior recorded studies, request link from Consistory@Messiah.NYC.

Questions?  Call 917-757-9297 between 12 noon and 7pm (EDT)

This is a snapshot of a painting we commissioned in the early 2000s by a Korean Christian artist who was attending Messiah’s at the time. It was a replacement of a painting I had seen but could never relocate, picturing Satan very tentatively visiting the body of our Lord in the tomb. The original had dramatically captured Satan’s sense of triumph, combined with his foreboding sense that this was not to be the last repose of the Son of God. We have always appreciated artists’ efforts at depicting portions of the Biblical narrative which are not part of our received text but are treated as though they credibly could be. For example, a favorite supplied addition was the film Barabbas starring Anthony Quinn. How fascinating to consider what course his life may have taken after his being released for his place having been taken by the Lord Jesus. There are many similar “fill-ins” we would like someday to see. For example, we’d love an ambitious but well-done painting portraying Lazarus at a post revivification dinner with his sisters, the Lord, His Apostles, and local dignitaries burning with curiosity for info concerning his experience, and perhaps a couple of Sadducees trying hard to strike a pose between utter indifference, fear of what they may learn that would shatter their worldview, and a hope that it WOULD get shattered. How about you? What fill-in might you be glad to see expressed with talent and taste??

Voice of Chalcedon

Rev. Steve Schlissel interviews Rousas John Rushdoony. (1999)

1 – Creation, Darwin & Marx

2 – Fathers & Families

3 – The Sabbath, Work & Family

Messiah’s Media

Welcome to our visitors.  Here is a sermon for you: “Husbands Love Your Wives”

Contact Messiah’s Congregation

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