Roy Moore: What Egalitarian Religion Has Done

Rev. Steve Schlissel - November 11, 2017

The story is not Roy Moore. The story isn’t even corrupt media. The story is how the egalitarian religion has ALREADY led to a populace so stupid, so movable, malleable, fickle and brainless, that it is almost irresistible to conclude that they DESERVE the totalitarianism and national wreckage they are being led into leap by leap. As long as people are relying on MSM to tell them what the world is, does, needs, wants and is going, they are USELESS. The Fathers never envisioned a system in which every moron had “a right” to vote. But even if that right exists (and why not for 3-year-olds as well, for that is the sophistication level of more than a few–if it’s a RIGHT, hey…), it was never conceived as one to be exercised by those being pandered to and bought off. Here’s a simple proposal: since it is an inescapable and obvious conflict of interest, make it in stone that no one receiving from the government (for which elections are being held) any money or benefit not explicitly being a return on their own prior investment, be permitted to vote. (Spare all the qualifications, at least spare me).

Look, Roy Moore ran for elective office in Alabama before–important office. How naive one must be to give credit to a story alleging to have predated his ENTIRE, highly controversial and high-profile career, when not a whisper was heard re: this sort of tripe. But now that he may be rightly expected to be Bam’s choice for Senator replacing Sessions, AND (most important), immediately after the successful trash spin on two Dem wins being equal to a massive rejection of Trump, they wish to strengthen traction and MAKE the fiction credible. Fact: in Virginia, the morons gave credence to totally wicked and vicious campaign portraying Gillespie and his supporters as POISED AND READY to murder all minority children by VEHICULAR homicide. I think the one who conceived, produced, approved and ran that slanderous evil should be fined and jailed. Where’s Charlottesville again? How many ways these dogs have found to lie, and how brainless of people to go for it with zero critical function!

One more item to finish the rant. If you’re looking for the key to understanding EVERYTHING we’ve been seeing for a year and more now, the single simple key that unravels every knot, that instantly renders believable every story and slimy action which we’ve thought to be “Unbelievable,” this is the key–Get this and hold it for it explains all ( on one or two levels): No one in the Demon-crapic Party–NONE, not a one–thought, believed, imagined Hillary would lose. Follow carefully: the endless activity we are witnessing, custom made for the American moron, and the ONLY spin available from most outlets, is NOT for the purpose of helping Demon-craps handle the loss!! No!! It is because Hillary could not accept the baton which would have allowed her to manage from the top keeping the lid on her depravity, her evil deeds, the Bahama-Clinton corruption machine, the betrayals the unprecedented corrupt activity and scandal to top every prior scandal–all the fluff and posturing and lying and confetti throwing is to HIDE the smell of Billary and their treason. That is it in a single nutshell. Therefore, they are telling all birdbrains the anti-Trump train has left the station, better get on it. And tons will. Everyone an idiot.

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